Blue Star Foods
Social equity and community outreach
social equity
Our triple bottom
line approach
At Blue Star, we practice a triple bottom line approach to sustainability. That means we care about the “three P’s” – Product, Planet, and People. By purchasing our products, you support programs dedicated to improving ocean health and coastal fishing communities.
One of our sustainability goals is to create a more equitable crab fishery: one that provides long-term economic benefits to fisheries stakeholders, improving their social conditions.
social equity
Fishing cooperatives
In 2017, Blue Star Foods teamed up with global conservation finance impact firm Wilderness Market and Blue Star Nusantara to form the first blue swimming crab harvester cooperative in the east of Lampung province, Indonesia.
Fishing cooperatives shield fisherman from predatory loans by offering microfinancing at low rates and the ability to create a savings account from a percentage of their profits. It also allows inclusive participation of stakeholders – fishermen, processors, and local authorities, in resource conservation.
social equity
Group registration
By leading group registration efforts, we are able to drastically reduce the registration cost for the crab fishers. When fishers are able to register their vessels, everybody benefits. Once registered, fishers are able to receive better government support like fuel and fishing gear subsidies, and calamity insurance.
Fishers also have increased access to government and non-government programs. And government benefits by having a better understanding of the resource by collecting catch reports. A total win-win!